Oh one last nikpit was that depite they had made the contructor and produced the robot army needed, they never shown any of them in action other than the ones you repair in the station! Some anti climatic battles! Regardless what a certain hipster has said that in Jack point of view, he's the "good" guy, he was still a douche! He lost it when he told the Vault hunter to killed that defeated Dalh soldier before the gunship boss fight as he laugh at the possible idea that soldier live turn around for the better.

The real traitors being Moxxi, Roland and Lilith drove him to the edge and beyond with that punch which I don't get why Lilith didn't killed him there and then given he was suppose to be killed at the eye destruction. He was willing to spared enemy lives but Meriff betrayal annoyed the hell out of him and the possible traitor in the group lead him to killing Gladstone and the other innocent scientists.

Granted I suppose the progression from John to Jack kind of make sense as it seen he has some of an trust and paranoia issuses to deal with. Sure they try to potray Jack/ Jophn being a good guy at the start of it but it's hard to try to "like" him for all what he did at 2. The story was somewhat iffy but hey I still enjoying kicking the Guardians arses. It's the same game I know even with the new mechanic but that what I liked about the first game. The game is pretty much what I expected which is a good thing.